Electrolytes & Keto
Do you need electrolyte supplementation on a keto diet?
It’s becoming more and more widely accepted that keto diets can be healthy and also nutritionally complete.
Meat, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts and vegetables are rich in key nutrients that your body needs on a daily basis. In some cases, however, supplementing with minerals known as electrolytes may be beneficial.
This is because when carb intake is extremely low, levels of electrolytes – especially sodium – can drop. And if this happens, you may not feel your best.
Low Sodium Symptoms
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Headaches
- Difficulty concentrating
Be more liberal with the salt shaker at mealtimes. If needed, especially the first week, have 1-2 cups of bouillon or broth daily.
Low Potassium Symptoms
- Muscle cramps
- Muscle twitching
- Heart palpitations / increased awareness of heartbeat
Eat an extra avocado or portion of leafy greens or mushrooms per day.
Magnesium Symptoms
- Muscle cramping or twitching at night or after exercise
Eat seeds like hemp, pumpkin and chia or a portion of mackerel, almonds or leafy greens per day. If needed, take a magnesium supplement.
Do you need mineral supplementation?
The decision to take mineral supplements should be based on how you feel and whether or not you experience any symptoms. If you already feel well on a keto diet, you may not need to add any supplements or electrolyte-rich food (although you may feel you want to try upping your intake to see if you feel even better!)
Bear in mind that if you engage in endurance exercise or any type of rigorous physical activity, you may find it difficult to get enough electrolytes solely from food, and you may choose to take supplements for performance reasons.
Read the Full Article in Diet Doctor here